
Retrofitting is one of MINPRO's specialties. If your company already has a flotation plant, MINPRO can retrofit your flotation machines with the AKER Flotation mechanisms.

Why Retrofit?

The benefits of the Aker Flotation Retrofit program are:

  • improved metallurgical performance,
  • lower power consumption,
  • reduced reagent consumption,
  • solved wear part problems

Which Machines can be Retrofit?

Most of the major suppliers' flotation machines can be retrofitted with the MINPRO's Aker Flotation Retrofit mechanisms. More than 700 mechanisms have been retrofitted so far.

Which Machines can be Retrofit?

Most of the major suppliers' flotation machines can be retrofitted with the MINPRO's Aker Flotation Retrofits. For further information please contact us.

Typical Results from Retrofits

The customers of a Retrofit program can expect good results, here are some examples of what can be expected:

  • Agitair after being retrofitted:
    • Recovery > 0.5% increase
    • Zn content > 0.7 percentiles increase
    • Energy savings > 35%
    • Reduction in Reagent Consumption 20 to 30%
    • Increasing life-time > 5 times